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“An Official Journal of IDA - Madras Branch”©2019.
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Dr. Godwin Alex Kiruba J, Dr. Pradeep Devadoss, Dr. Nikita Ravi*
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
*Department of periodontology and Implantology,
Faculty of Dentistry, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College,
Meenakshi Academy of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
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Odontogenic keratocyst is one of the most aggressive
Website: jidam.idamadras.com
odontogenic cysts arising from odontogenic epithelium.
It can become quite large because of its ability
for significant expansion, extension into adjacent
tissues and rapid growth. Thus they are often locally
destructive and tend to recur. The goals of treatment
should eliminate the potential recurrence and minimize
the surgical morbidity.
KEY WORDS: Keratocystic odontogenic tumor,
Odontogenic keratocyst, Basal nevus syndrome,
Marsupialization, Vismodegib
Address for correspondence:
Dr. Pradeep Devadoss, MDS.,
Professor, Department of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery,
Faculty of Dentistry, Meenakshi Ammal
Dental College,
Meenakshi Academy of Higher Education
and Research, Chennai.
: 04.11.2019
: 17.12.2019
: 27.12.2019
JIDAM/Volume:6/Issue:4/Pages 154 - 157/October - December 2019
Godwin et al : Recent updates in management of odontogenic keratocyst
The term
“Odontogenic Keratocyst” was
The conventional treatment for Odontogenic
first suggested by Phillipsen in 19561. Historically,
keratocyst has been primarily, enucleation of the
the first reported case of a dental cyst was in 1774
lesion with peripheral ostectomy, followed by
by an anatomist, John Hunter. Since 1930s, many
chemical cauterization. Chemical cauterization was
researchers noted that dental cysts could be found
done using Carnoy`s solution which has chloroform
with keratinization in the lining of the cyst and
as a constituent. Due to the carcinogenic potential
keratin itself in the cyst contents. The general belief
of chloroform, its use has been discouraged and a
is that these cysts originate from remnants of the
Modified Carnoy`s solution was advocated. It lacked
dental lamina. But in many cases, a tooth is generally
the potency of Carnoy`s solution. Marsupialization,
present and, so, they are believed to originate from
Cryotherapy, Radical resection6 and Endoscopic
additional remnants of the lamina that are not
enucleation7 are also advocated based on clinical
involved in tooth formation. In a few cases, they may
criteria. With the advancements in research, many
arise from the oral mucosa, due to the presence of
newer trends have emerged in the management of
daughter cysts. The basal cell nevus syndrome or
this pathology. Ledderhof et al studied the usage
the Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome is a genetic condition
of topical 5- Fluorouracil, an anti-metabolite in the
that includes a triad of Odontogenic Keratocyst
place of modified Carnoy’s solution after enucleation
of the jaws, skeletal abnormalities like bifid ribs,
and peripheral ostectomy. There were no recurrences
frontal bossing, and calcification of the falx cerebri
or adverse effects in the follow up period and a
and cutaneous manifestations such as basal cell
significantly lower incidence of inferior alveolar
carcinomas and palmar pitting of the hands2.
nerve paresthesia was observed. It was readily
available, had technical ease, had shorter operating
time, similar efficacy and had decreased morbidity
compared to modified Carnoy`s solution8. Cases of
Basal cell nevus syndrome are commonly associated
radiographically either as a unilocular or a
with mutations in the PTCH1 gene. The hedgehog
multilocular radiolucency, occurring mostly in the
pathway gets activated by binding of Sonic hedgehog
posterior mandible. Expansion of the buccal and
protein to its receptor, which diminishes the inhibitory
lingual plates occur late as it primarily tends to
effect of PTCH on Smoothened Protein (SMO), that
invade and spread along the marrow spaces3.
inturn activates an intracellular cascade which results
in the activation and nuclear translocation of Gli
family transcription factors. These receptors promote
cellular proliferation and survival.
The presence of keratin flakes or a protein
level of less than 4 g per 100 ml in the sample obtained
after aspiration biopsy are indicative of Odontogenic
Keratocyst4. Odontogenic Keratocyst has a higher
Vismodegib is a new drug, which is a selective
prevalence rate in the mandible than in the maxilla,
Hh pathway inhibitor blocks Hh signaling by binding
with a ratio of 3:1. In the mandible, it occurs more
to SMO and inhibiting the activation of downstream
often in the third molar area/ascending ramus when
Hh target genes. Vismodegib
(150mg) is orally
compared to the tooth-bearing area anterior to
administered once daily, is approved by the Food
the third molar with a ratio of 3:25. There are two
and drug administration (FDA) in 2012. It should be
variants of this pathology based on their histological
administered for at least 11 months9. Ally et al found
appearance, one being Orthokeratinized and the
that Vismodegib can shrink some KCOTs in patients
other being Parakeratinized. Orthokeratinized OKC
with Basal Cell Naevus Syndrome, with a mean
have a lesser recurrence rate when compared with
size reduction of 50%. Two patients had complete
the Parakeratinized OKC.
resolution of 1 or more KCOTs, with no enlargement
of existing tumors, no recurrence in any case and no
development of new lesions10. It costs about $360 per
150mg tablet, so may work up to $131000 for 1 year
JIDAM/Volume:6/Issue:4/Pages 154 - 157/October - December 2019
Godwin et al : Recent updates in management of odontogenic keratocyst
Fig 1- Site of action of Vismodegib
Schematic representation of hedgehog-signaling pathway: Hedgehog ligands bind to patched homolog
1, causing release of the suppression of smoothened by patched homolog 1. Smoothened interacts with
suppressor of fused, which promotes glioma-associated oncogene transcription factor. Constitutive
activation of smoothened protein plays a role in carcinogenesis. Vismodegib inhibits smoothened Protein
Jain et al reviewed Sonidegib, the second Hh
Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome may offer an alternative
signaling inhibitor approved by the FDA to treat Basal
to surgical patients. The obvious advantages of these
cell carcinoma following approval of the first SMO
treatment techniques are as follows:
antagonist Vismodegib in 2012. Sonidegib interacts
with SMO in the drug-binding pocket, where it acts as
• Eradication of the pathologic lesion
an antagonist, preventing downstream activation of
• Reduction of the potential recurrence
Hh pathway signaling11 (Fig 1). It costs upto $146000
for 1 year and can be given either orally or topically.
• Preservation of the continuity of the mandible,
Meticulous understanding of the pathogenesis of
thus maintaining jaw function and shape
odontogenic keratocyst, along with a proper follow-
up of the clinical trials of the recent advances, might
provide us a better prognosis in cases that can be
treated without surgery and to improve the patient’s
overall quality of life.
Odontogenic keratocyst is amongst the
There are no conflicts of interest.
numerous aggressive odontogenic cysts having
significant recurrence rate. Numerous surgical
strategies have been published such as decompression,
marsupialization, enucleation with or without adjunct
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JIDAM/Volume:6/Issue:4/Pages 154 - 157/October - December 2019